Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I just want to start off with, this movie is super funny if you 
haven't seen it you should go see it like right now.


Bartleby Gaines - Justin Long
Sherman Schrader - Jonah Hill
Glen - Adam Herschman
Hands - Columbus Short
Rory - Maria Thayer
Uncle Ben - Lewis Black

The Script

The script is great and the lines were hilarious and the improv was great.  The script
had a really good timing and it just killed it to awesome movie.

The Music

The music was awesome it had some of my favorite songs 
in it like Blitzkreig Bop and Let the Drummer Kick.

Funny Lines in Accepted 

  1. College is for pussies
  2. this place is awesome cause now I can finally get hepatitis
  3. what are you
  4. Holy balls
  5. Battle Royale
  6. this kitchen is bitchen
  7. buyers and sellers, pimps and whores
  8. I don't want to be here alone when the walls start to bleed
  9. great the birthplace of crack 
  10. you break your penis they only fix vaginas
The theme was great who wouldn't want to create their own college i would just saying.  Just thinking about it is super hilarious and mystical!!

Accepted (Full Screen Edition)Accepted (Widescreen Edition)

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