Monday, December 6, 2010

Get Him to the Greek


Aldous Snow - Russell Brand
Jackie Q - Rose Byrne
Jonathan Snow - Colm Meaney
Aaron Green - Jonah Hill
Daphne Binks - Elisabeth Moss
Sergio - Sean Combs
Sarah Marshall - Kristen Bell

Aldous Snow(Russell Brand)- is a British rockstar and he goes on this journey were he made one bad record called African Child which is his worst record and he doesn't know it yet that he's going to have a comeback and he's having a relationship and a drug problem that he is going through on this epic journey and he just needs a friend to help him and not be an enabler to him.

Jackie Q(Rose Byrne)- is a singer and married to Aldous and later leaves him and goes out with the drummer from Metallica and she takes care of Aldous and her son.

Aaron Green(Jonah Hill)- works for a record company as intern and he gives his hiss boss Sergio an idea lets get Aldous Snow to do a ten year anniversary at the Greek Theater.  Sergio has him go to the U.K. to pick him and take him to the Greek little did he know that he was gonna have the best time of his life and he goes on a 3 day party spree and still have to try to make it to the Greek in time and time is not on his side.

Daphne Binks(Elisabeth Moss)- is Aaron's girlfriend and she works for a hospital as a nurse and she gets a job offer in Washington and she wants to move there and Aaron and her get into an argument and they test the strength of their relationship when they sort of break up.

Sergio(Sean Combs)- is Aaron's boss and he's really demanding and Aaron gives him the idea of get Aldous Snow to the Greek and Sergio shoots it down and then later puts him charge of getting Aldous Snow to the Greek.  Sergio loves to mind fuck and he also becomes Jeffrey if you haven't seen this movie yet then you will not know what I'm talking about when i say he becomes Jeffrey.

THE JEFFREY(Himself)- is just the nice blowk down the road no ones afraid of jeffrey but the one thing I know about Jeffrey he has a gun.


  1. You all arrrrrre fucked
  2. This is your fucking moment! You only get one moment in life!
  3. I'm mond fucking you right now.  I'm mind fucking the shit out of you.
  4. I hope you're wearing a condom, cause I have a dirty mind.
  5. Feel free to bring Professor Snape.
  6. I'm so shit faced!
  7. Yeah, I would... kiss her face.
  8. I need you to put this in your bottom hole.
  9. Why does it have balls!
  10. I think I've just been raped.
  11. That's Jeffrey's gun.
  12. I'm ALIVE!!!
  13. This adrenaline's crazy! I've never run so fast in my life!
  14. This is the longest hallway of all time!
  15. Where are my boxers?

                            The music it was awesome the music they had for this
                            movie it just all fits so well seeing how almost all of 
                            the music was song by Russell Brand.

The message that I got from this film was never give up and enjoy life and your loved ones and help friends get off drug and don't be enablers because enabling doesn't help anybody and don't run into the Jeffrey.
I just want to say If you haven't seen this movie you should and if your a fan of Russell Brand and Jonah hill like I am and you still haven't seen this film yet you are missing out it pulled off the same outrageous humor from Superbad when it first came out and if you thought that was funny you will fall over and laugh your face off I'm gonna say Apatow did it again and thanks for a gut buster movie.

Thanks for reading
Adam Carder

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